Thursday 5 February 2009

Doesn't scare me

On the Beeb last night the story about the Iranians launching their first communications satellite led with the line that the move led to "grave concern in the West".

I am as Western as they come and I'm not concerned. Not one little bit. I'm not even concerned about the Iranians getting a nuke. The best way to stop the Iranian nuclear program would be to demand that the Israelis open up their own nuclear stockpile to international inspection. But that'll never happen for obvious reasons - hello Obama chief of staff and IDF volunteer Rahm Emanuel among others.

So instead we have to put up with this drivel about Iran being a nuclear threat when Israel's fundamental defence strategy relies on The Samson Option - put simply, if they think they are in deep trouble, they'll blow up with the world with them, thus, we better save them.

Even if the Iranians do get a nuclear bomb and the means to deliver it, I'm still not concerned. The doctrine of MAD means that they'll never use it. They might be Muslim but they aren't crazy.

I am concerned about the treatment of women in Iran, it's capital punishment policy and many other issues.

But then, I'm concerned about what goes inside plenty of nuclear armed Western democracies too.

Most of all though, I'm just sick and tired of this relentless, baseless scaremongering about Iran. We're not idiots.

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