Thursday 19 March 2009

The descent into national socialism

I have been saying for a while now that Britain is heading inexorably into a national socialist state.

The key ingredients are already in place. A well established security state. The state now owns the means of production - the financial services industry. And there is and always will be a strong latent racist/xenophobic strand to British culture, one this current government has no problem in stoking. See today's announcement about making Johnny Foreigner pay £50 more for a visa.

All we need now is the charismatic catalyst, the man or woman, who puts the ingredients into the pot and cooks up the vile soup. It will happen. He/she is out there.

But what of the United States? Will The Age Of Obama mark the beginning of the end for anything resembling democracy in the US?

Is, as this long but very insightful article argues, the Obama presidency the new Weimar Republic?

Because we all know what happened to that.


  1. great link

    "All they possess is a blinding, visceral hatred of the left and a masturbatory lust for the return to power."

  2. Cheers. As much as I like spouting my own purple prose here, I do try and link to people who can write better than me. The Matt Taibbi piece on the post above is pretty awesome too.
